If you served in the 77 to 80 clean up of Enewetak and lived on or visited Lojwa, then you know about the Lojwa Animal.You also wore the grey t with your name and rank,and Lojwa Animal pic on the back.I have a stencil of the Lojwa Animal,and will be making the t's for all who are interested.I will be using a better quality grey t shirt ...way better then the ones given to the troops.I will be making some generic t's with "Lojwa Animal" written on front and a pic of the Lojwa Animal on back. also custom t's with rank, name and Lojwa Animal...also with years served if asked.I will be posting examples of my T's very soon with prices.I will most likely use paypal for a secure payment.Proceeds will be given to The National Cancer Institute.So keep checking back. I will have them up soon.Thanks to all the men who served in the Enewetak clean up project to help make the Islands, and our planet a safer place for all.My heart goes out to all the men who are now getting cancer from their honorable service.I know most of you knew you would have heath problems later in life from this project, and you went anyway.You are all heroes to me.........Matthew Armitage
pic above of my father on left CWO Jim Armitage US Army(ret) on Lojwa
I need a teeshirt.
rick masculine
hootch 14 heavy junk
lojwa/janet-enjubi 78/79
did everyone get there humanitarian service award?
iv'e been trying to find out what realy happoned to grape ape and cpt flores,suposabley eaten by sharks hile conoeing,and suposobly found awol on okenowa,can't find any articles on either.
or of the 3 gi's trhat died from eating c4?
God bless and have a good ride.
Hey Matthew,
We are all planning a reunion in Las Vegas August 22nd of this year. I'm sure we could all use t-shirts to commemorate.
Let us know how we can connect to get a bunch of those shirts
My name is Roy Brawdy and was over there in 78. I was stationed at schofield barracks in Hawaii. I'd like to get a couple of those shirts if you still have them available. My email address is royjoe73@gmail.com . Thanks
I was there from november77 threw april 78 I was attached to the 84th from the seventeenth engineer battalion I used to sleep on the engine grates of the larc on the trips to enjebi I also need t shirts you can contact me dietermaurer27@yahoo.com
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